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\# Système de fichier Cette extension vous donne accès au système de fichier de l'ordinateur sur lequel votre jeu est en train de tourner. \<note\>Cette extension ne fonctionne que sur Linux, MacOS et Windows pour l'instant. les jeux mobiles et Web ne sont pas supportés par l'extension pour l'instant \## Système de fichiers ou système de stockage ? Gdevelop vous permet de stocker des données permanentes de deux manières différentes. L'extension de stockage et l'extension de système de fichiers. Parce que GDevelop est basé sur des technologies web, créer un jeu avec GDevelop est comme créer un site web qui peut être vu dans un navigateur (export web) ou dans un navigateur limité nommé "Electron" pour Windows, MacOS et Linux ou Apache Cordova pour Android et iOS Toutes ces platformes permettent d'utiliser l'extension de stockage car c'est un composant inclus dans les navigateurs. Les données peuvent être sauvegardées dans une sorte de dictionnaire intégré à ce navigateur.

Pour des raisons de sécurité, les navigateurs web ne laissent pas les sites web écrire/supprimer des données dans le système de fichier de l'ordinateur ( ne peux pas créer de fichiers sur votre disque dur). Seul les jeux exportés pour Windows, Mac ou Linux peuvent utiliser l'extension du système de fichiers.


  • Utilisable dans tous les types d'export (Web, mobile, PC...)

  • Ne peut contenir que des des nombres ou du texte (pas de photos, de fichiers etc...)

  • Une capacité de stockage limitée ce comptant en Mega octet et limité encore plus par le système sur lequel votre jeu est joué

  • Le joueur n'a pas d'accès direct à ce stockage

Système de fichiers

  • Utilisable que sur Windows, Linux et MacOS

  • Peut sauvegarder à peu près tout :-D

  • Vous pouvez choisir où sont stockées les données.

  • La seule limite de taille est celle du système (disque dur ou clé USB par exemple)

  • Le joueur peut modifier les fichiers (exemple : modifier manuellement une mauvaise résolution d'écran ou une configuration avec un éditeur de texte)

Asynchronous execution By default, actions get executed synchronously in GDevelop. This means that the game loop waits for each action to finish its execution before it runs the following event. Actions that take longer than a few milliseconds to execute will freeze the whole execution of the game until they finish.

To avoid these freezes, GDevelop supports asynchronous execution of specific actions. If you choose the "async" version of the action, the operation will be delegated to a background task that runs in parallel to the game loop. After executing an asynchronous action, GDevelop will immediately execute the next event in the event sheet without waiting for the action to finish.

To get notified about the status of the background task, the asynchronous actions have an optional result variable. This variable will be updated with the result of the operation, at the moment the background task has finished.

By checking its value, you get to know when precisely the operation has finished and with which result:

  • "ok": The operation was performed without errors.

  • "error": Something went wrong while trying to perform the action.

Saving the name of the next level after completing the previous one in a linear puzzle game, need not be done asynchronously.

On the other hand, when trying to add an autosave function to an open-world game with procedurally generated unlimited terrain, the game developer will probably not get around saving the game asynchronously due to the heap of data to be written into the file.

It is up to the game developer to decide which variant of the action is suitable for the individual situation.


File or directory exists

This condition checks if the given file or directory exists on the file system.


Path to file or directory: The absolute path to the file or directory which shall be checked.


Create a directory

This action creates a new folder at the given file path.


Directory: The absolute file path to the directory which should be created. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below), to keep you game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred.

Save a text into a file

This action saves the given text (string) into a file on the file system synchronously.


String (text): The text that will be saved to the file.

Save path: The path on the file system where the file should be saved. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred.

Save a text into a file (async)

This action saves the given text (string) into a file on the file system asynchronously.


String (text): The text that will be saved to the file.

Save path: The path on the file system where the file should be saved. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred. The variable will be updated, at the moment the file operation has finished.

Save a scene variable into a JSON file

This action saves the given scene variable into a file on the file system in JSON format synchronously.


Scene variable: The scene variable to save into the file. This can be a number-, text variable or a structure with children.

Save path: The path on the file system where the file should be saved. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred.

Save a scene variable into a JSON file (async)

This action saves the given scene variable into a file on the file system in JSON format asynchronously.


Scene variable: The scene variable to save into the file. This can be a number-, text variable or a structure with children.

Save path: The path on the file system where the file should be saved. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred. The variable will be updated, at the moment the file operation has finished.

Load a text from a JSON file

This action loads the JSON formatted text from a file and converts it into a scene variable structure. synchronously.


Scene variable: The name of the scene variable to which the loaded structure will be added.

Load path: The path on the file system where the file should be saved. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred.

Load a text from a JSON file (async)

This action loads the JSON formatted text from a file and converts it into a scene variable structure. asynchronously.


Scene variable: The name of the scene variable to which the loaded structure will be added.

Load path: The path on the file system where the file should be saved. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred. The variable will be updated, at the moment the file operation has finished.

Load a text from a file

This action loads the text from a file into the given scene variable. synchronously.


Scene variable: The scene variable to store the text.

Load path: The path on the file system where the file is located. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred.

Load a text from a file (async)

This action loads the text from a file into the given scene variable. asynchronously.


Scene variable: The scene variable to store the text.

Load path: The path on the file system where the file is located. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred. The variable will be updated, at the moment the file operation has finished.

Delete a file

This action deletes the file at the given file path synchronously.


File path: The path on the file system where the file is located. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred.

Delete a file

This action deletes the file at the given file path asynchronously.


File path: The path on the file system where the file is located. It is advised to use the expressions for special folders (see below) to keep your game platform independent.

(Optional) Result variable: Variable to store the result. It can either hold the value 'ok': the task was successful or 'error': an error occurred. The variable will be updated, at the moment the file operation has finished.

\## Expressions These expressions return the path to special folders on the users' operating system. If you use these expressions for loading and saving files it will be guaranteed to work on all supported operating systems. (Currently Windows, Linux, and macOS) \<note tip\>The following gives detailed descriptions of what each of the Filesystem expressions are for. To see the syntax of the expressions refer to the filesystem section of [this article](/gdevelop5/all-features/expressions-reference). It is *strongly recommended* that you do not manually type any expressions, and instead use the expression builder as [mentioned here](/gdevelop5/all-features/expressions).

Desktop folder

This expression returns the operating system independent path to the Desktop folder of the user that runs your game.

Documents folder

This expression returns the operating system independent path to the Documents folder of the user that runs your game. This is the standard folder for storing documents.

This games executable folder

This expression returns the operating system independent path to the folder where your game is being executed from.

Pictures folder

This expression returns the operating system independent path to the Pictures folder of the user that runs your game. This is the standard folder for storing images.

Temp folder

This expression returns the operating system independent path to the Temp folder of the user that runs your game. This folder is used for temporary files that your operating system can delete at any time.

Userdata folder

This expression returns the operating system independent path to the UserData folder of the user that runs your game. This folder is used for storing application settings.

Path delimiter

This expression returns the operating system independent path delimiter character. ("\" on Windows and "/" on Linux and macOS). Use this expression to build cross-platform file paths that can be accessed on all supported operating systems.

Example In order to save a screenshot to the Pictures directory you could write:

<FileSystem::PicturesPath>() + <FileSystem::PathDelimiter>() + "my_screenshot.png"

This will work on Windows, Linux, and macOS.