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Expressions to convert number, texts and quantities. Read more explanations about it.


Convert JSON to global variable
Parse a JSON object and store it into a global variable

Convert JSON to object variable
Parse a JSON object and store it into an object variable

Convert JSON to a scene variable
Parse a JSON object and store it into a scene variable


Expression Description
GlobalVarToJSON(globalvar) Convert a global variable to JSON
globalvar The global variable to be stringified
LargeNumberToString(number) Convert the result of the expression to text, without using the scientific notation
number Expression to be converted to text
ObjectVarToJSON(object, objectvar) Convert an object variable to JSON
object The object with the variable
objectvar The object variable to be stringified
ToDeg(number) Converts the angle, expressed in radians, into degrees
number Angle, in radians
ToJSON(scenevar) Convert a scene variable to JSON
scenevar Scene variable to be stringified
ToNumber(string) Convert the text to a number
string Text to convert to a number
ToRad(number) Converts the angle, expressed in degrees, into radians
number Angle, in degrees
ToString(number) Convert the result of the expression to text
number Expression to be converted to text

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