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Particle system

A particle emitter allows to create various effects by showing a lot of tiny images called particles. It's ideal for fires, smoke, explosions, magical effects, etc... Read more explanations about it.

Particles emitter

Displays a large number of small particles to create visual effects.

Object actions

Angle of the spray cone
Modify the angle of the spray cone.

Emission angle
Modify emission angle.

Emission maximal force
Modify maximal emission force of particles.

Emission minimal force
Modify minimal emission force of particles.

Jump emitter forward in time
Simulate the passage of time for an emitter, including creating and moving particles

Start opacity
Modify the start opacity of particles.

End opacity
Modify the end opacity of particles.

Start color blue component
Modify the start color blue component.

End color blue component
Modify the end color blue component.

Start color
Modify start color of particles.

End color
Modify end color of particles.

Activate particles additive rendering
Set (or unset) if the particles additive rendering is activated.

Number of displayed particles
Change the maximum number of displayed particles.

Particle rotation max speed
Change the maximum rotation speed of the particles.

Particle rotation min speed
Change the minimum rotation speed of the particles.

Gravity angle
Change gravity angle

Change the gravity of the emitter.

Gravity value on X axis
Change value of the gravity on X axis.

Gravity value on Y axis
Change value of the gravity on Y axis.

Start color green component
Modify the start color green component.

End color green component
Modify the end color green component.

Maximum lifetime
Modify particles maximum lifetime.
Particles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.

Minimum lifetime
Modify particles minimum lifetime. Particles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.

Start color red component
Modify the start color red component.

End color red component
Modify the end color red component.

Start size
Modify the particle start size.

End size
Modify the particle end size.

Recreate particles
Destroy and recreate particles, so as to take changes made to setup of the emitter in account.

Change the flow of the emitter.

Change the capacity of the emitter.

Particle image
Change the image of particles (if displayed).

Start emission
Refill tank (if not infinite) and start emission of the particles.

Stop emission
Stop the emission of particles.

Particle image (using an expression)
Change the image of particles (if displayed).

Creation radius
Modify creation radius of particles.
Particles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.

Object conditions

Angle of the spray cone
Test the angle of the spray cone of the emitter

Emission angle
Test the value of emission angle of the emitter.

Test the flow of the emitter.

No more particles
Check if the object does not emit particles any longer, so as to destroy it for example.

Start opacity
Compare the start opacity of particles.

End opacity
Compare the end opacity of particles.

Start color blue component
Compare the start color blue component.

End color blue component
Compare the end color blue component.

Activate particles additive rendering
Check if the particles additive rendering is activated.

Number of displayed particles
Compare the maximum number of displayed particles.

Particle rotation max speed
Compare the maximum rotation speed of the particles.

Particle rotation min speed
Compare the minimum rotation speed of the particles.

Gravity angle
Test the gravity angle of the emitter

Test the gravity of the emitter.

Gravity value on X axis
Compare value of the gravity on X axis.

Gravity value on Y axis
Compare value of the gravity on Y axis.

Start color green component
Compare the start color green component.

End color green component
Compare the end color green component.

Maximum lifetime
Test maximum lifetime of particles.

Minimum lifetime
Test minimum lifetime of particles.

Start color red component
Compare the start color red component.

End color red component
Compare the end color red component.

Start size
Compare the particle start size.

End size
Compare the particle end size.

Test the capacity of the emitter.

Test the name of the image displayed by particles.

Creation radius
Test creation radius of particles.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.ConeSprayAngle() Angle of the spray cone
Object.CurrentParticleCount() Number of particles currently displayed.
Object.EmitterAngle() Emission angle of the particles.
Object.EmitterForceMax() The maximal emission force of the particles.
Object.EmitterForceMin() The minimal emission force of the particles.
Object.Flow() Flow of the particles (particles/second).
Object.MaxParticlesCount() Return the maximum number of displayed particles.
Object.ParticleAlpha1() Start opacity of the particles.
Object.ParticleAlpha2() End opacity of the particles.
Object.ParticleBlue1() The start color blue component of the particles.
Object.ParticleBlue2() The end color blue component of the particles.
Object.ParticleGravityAngle() Angle of gravity.
Object.ParticleGravityLength() Value of gravity.
Object.ParticleGravityX() Gravity of particles applied on X-axis.
Object.ParticleGravityY() Gravity of particles applied on Y-axis.
Object.ParticleGreen1() The start color green component of the particles.
Object.ParticleGreen2() The end color green component of the particles.
Object.ParticleLifeTimeMax() Maximum lifetime of the particles.
Object.ParticleLifeTimeMin() Minimum lifetime of the particles.
Object.ParticleRed1() The start color red component of the particles.
Object.ParticleRed2() The end color red component of the particles.
Object.ParticleRotationMaxSpeed() Return the maximum rotation speed of the particles.
Object.ParticleRotationMinSpeed() Return the minimum rotation speed of the particles.
Object.ParticleSize1() Start size of particles.
Object.ParticleSize2() End size of particles.
Object.RendererParam1() Rendering first parameter
Object.RendererParam2() Rendering second parameter
Object.Tank() Capacity of the particle tank.
Object.Texture() Name of the image displayed by particles.
Object.ZoneRadius() The radius of the emission zone.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Particle system feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.