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Advanced projectile

Control how a projectile moves including speed, acceleration, distance, and lifetime.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: VictrisGames.

Control how a projectile moves including speed, acceleration, distance, and lifetime.


  • To simulate a rocket, use a starting speed of 0 and a positive acceleration (max speed may also be used)
  • To simulate a hand grenade, use a high starting speed, a negative acceleration, and a non-zero lifetime
  • If the object is not moving, acceleration will be towards the direction it is facing
  • If the object is moving, acceleration will be in the direction the object is moving



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Advanced projectile

Control how a projectile object moves including lifetime, distance, speed, and acceleration.

Behavior actions

Restart lifetime timer
Restart lifetime timer of object.

Change the acceleration of the object. Use a negative number to slow down.

Change automatic deletion when distance from starting position is exceeded
Change automatic deletion when distance from starting position is exceeded.

Change automatic deletion when lifetime is exceeded
Change automatic deletion of object when lifetime is exceeded.

Max distance from starting position
Change the max distance from starting position of the object. Object is deleted after property has been exceeded. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Change the lifetime of the object. Object is deleted after property has been exceeded. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Max speed
Change the max speed of the object. Object forces cannot exceed this value. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Change the minSpeed of the object. Object forces cannot go below this value. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Change starting position to the current position
Change the starting position of object to it's current position.

Starting speed
Change the starting speed of the object. Object will move in the direction it is facing when it is created. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Behavior conditions

Compare the acceleration of the object. Use a negative number to slow down.

Automatic deletion is enabled when distance from starting position is exceeded
Check if automatic deletion is enabled when distance from starting position is exceeded.

Automatic deletion is enabled when lifetime is exceeded
Check if automatic deletion is enabled when lifetime is exceeded.

Lifetime has been exceeded
Check if lifetime has been exceeded (object will be deleted next frame).

Max distance from starting position has been exceeded
Check if max distance from starting position has been exceeded (object will be deleted next frame).

Max distance from starting position
Compare the max distance from starting position of the object. Object is deleted after property has been exceeded. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Compare the lifetime of the object. Object is deleted after property has been exceeded. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Max speed
Compare the max speed of the object. Object forces cannot exceed this value. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Compare the minSpeed of the object. Object forces cannot go below this value. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Starting speed
Compare the starting speed of the object. Object will move in the direction it is facing when it is created. Use "0" to ignore this property.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.AdvancedProjectile::Acceleration() Return the acceleration of the object. Use a negative number to slow down.
Object.AdvancedProjectile::MaxDistanceFromStart() Return the max distance from starting position of the object. Object is deleted after property has been exceeded. Use "0" to ignore this property.
Object.AdvancedProjectile::MaxLifetime() Return the lifetime of the object. Object is deleted after property has been exceeded. Use "0" to ignore this property.
Object.AdvancedProjectile::MaxSpeed() Return the max speed of the object. Object forces cannot exceed this value. Use "0" to ignore this property.
Object.AdvancedProjectile::MinSpeed() Return the minSpeed of the object. Object forces cannot go below this value. Use "0" to ignore this property.
Object.AdvancedProjectile::StartingSpeed() Return the starting speed of the object. Object will move in the direction it is facing when it is created. Use "0" to ignore this property.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Advanced projectile extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.