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Fire bullets

Fire bullets, manage ammo, reloading and overheating.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: 4ian, Mixen, Bouh, VictrisGames.

This extension allows objects to fire bullets.

It handles:

It can be used for:

A simple example shows how to make firing patterns (open the project online).



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Fire bullets

Fire bullets, manage ammo, reloading, and overheating.

Behavior actions

Fire bullets toward an angle
Fire bullets in the direction of a given angle.

Fire bullets toward an object
Fire bullets toward an object.

Fire bullets toward a position
Fire bullets toward a position.

Increase ammo
Increase ammo quantity.

Reload ammo
Reload ammo.

Reset total bullets created
Reset total bullets created.

Reset total reloads completed
Reset total reloads completed.

Reset total shots fired
Reset total shots fired.

Ammo quantity
Change the ammo quantity.

Angle variance
Change the angle variance (in degrees) applied to each bullet.

Enable (or disable) automatic reloading
Enable (or disable) automatic reloading.

Set bullet layer
Change the layer that bullets are created on.

Bullets per shot
Change the number of bullets shot every time the "fire bullet" action is used.

Bullet speed variance
Change the bullet speed variance (pixels per second) applied to each bullet.

Firing cooldown
Change the firing cooldown (in seconds) also known as rate of fire.

Exponential cooling rate
Change the exponential cooling rate, per second.

Firing arc
Change the firing arc (in degrees) where bullets are shot. Bullets are evenly spaced out inside the firing arc.

Heat increase per shot
Change the heat increase per shot.

Linear cooling rate
Change the linear cooling rate (per second).

Max ammo
Change the max ammo.

Overheat duration
Change the overheat duration (in seconds). When an object is overheated, it can't fire for this duration.

Reload duration
Change the reload duration (in seconds).

Enable (or disable) bullet rotation
Enable bullet rotation.

Shots per reload
Change the number of shots per reload.

Enable (or disable) unlimited ammo
Enable unlimited ammo.

Behavior conditions

Ammo quantity
Compare the ammo quantity.

Angle variance
Compare the angle variance (in degrees) applied to each bullet.

Bullets per shot
Compare the number of bullets shot every time the "fire bullet" action is used.

Is bullet rotation enabled
Check if bullet rotates to match trajectory.

Bullet speed variance
Compare the bullet speed variance (pixels per second) applied to each bullet.

Firing cooldown
Compare the firing cooldown (in seconds) also known as rate of fire.

Duration before cooldown end
Compare the remaining duration before the cooldown will permit a bullet to be fired, in seconds.

Exponential cooling rate
Compare the exponential cooling rate, per second.

Firing arc
Compare the firing arc (in degrees) where bullets are shot. Bullets are evenly spaced out inside the firing arc.

Has just fired
Check if the object has just fired something.

Heat increase per shot
Compare the heat increase per shot.

Heat level
Compare the heat level (range: 0 to 1).

Is automatic reloading enabled
Check if automatic reloading is enabled.

Is firing cooldown active
Check if firing cooldown is active.

Is out of ammo
Check if object has no ammo available.

Is overheated
Check if object is overheated.

Is ready to shoot
Check if object is ready to shoot.

Is ammo reloading in progress
Check if object is currently performing an ammo reload.

Is a reload needed
Check if object needs to reload ammo.

Is ammo unlimited
Check if ammo is unlimited.

Linear cooling rate
Compare the linear cooling rate (per second).

Max ammo
Compare the max ammo.

Overheat duration
Compare the overheat duration (in seconds). When an object is overheated, it can't fire for this duration.

Duration before overheat end
Compare the remaining duration before the overheat penalty ends, in seconds.

Reload duration
Compare the reload duration (in seconds).

Shots before next reload
Compare the remaining shots before the next reload is required.

Shots per reload
Compare the number of shots per reload.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.FireBullet::AmmoQuantity() Return the ammo quantity.
Object.FireBullet::AngleVariance() Return the angle variance (in degrees) applied to each bullet.
Object.FireBullet::BulletLayer() Layer that bullets are created on.
Object.FireBullet::BulletQuantity() Return the number of bullets shot every time the "fire bullet" action is used.
Object.FireBullet::BulletSpeedVariance() Return the bullet speed variance (pixels per second) applied to each bullet.
Object.FireBullet::Cooldown() Return the firing cooldown (in seconds) also known as rate of fire.
Object.FireBullet::CooldownTimeLeft() Return the remaining duration before the cooldown will permit a bullet to be fired, in seconds.
Object.FireBullet::ExponentialCoolingRate() Return the exponential cooling rate, per second.
Object.FireBullet::FiringArc() Return the firing arc (in degrees) where bullets are shot. Bullets are evenly spaced out inside the firing arc.
Object.FireBullet::HeatIncreasePerShot() Return the heat increase per shot.
Object.FireBullet::HeatLevel() Return the heat level (range: 0 to 1).
Object.FireBullet::LinearCoolingRate() Return the linear cooling rate (per second).
Object.FireBullet::MaxAmmo() Return the max ammo.
Object.FireBullet::OverheatDuration() Return the overheat duration (in seconds). When an object is overheated, it can't fire for this duration.
Object.FireBullet::OverheatTimeLeft() Return the remaining duration before the overheat penalty ends, in seconds.
Object.FireBullet::ReloadDuration() Return the reload duration (in seconds).
Object.FireBullet::ShotsBeforeNextReload() Return the remaining shots before the next reload is required.
Object.FireBullet::ShotsPerReload() Return the number of shots per reload.
Object.FireBullet::TotalBulletsCreated() Total bullets created.
Object.FireBullet::TotalReloadsCompleted() Reloads completed.
Object.FireBullet::TotalShotsFired() Total shots fired (multi-bullet shots are considered one shot).

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Fire bullets extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.