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Screen Wrap

Teleport object when it moves off the screen and immediately appear on the opposite side while maintaining speed and trajectory.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: Entropy, VictrisGames.

The teleport happens when the center point of the object crosses a border. Change behavior properties to increase or decrease the margin used to trigger this teleport. By default, the borders of the wrapping area match the screen size, but they can alo be changed.

The Asteroid-like example uses this extension (open the project online).


Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.

Screen Wrap

Teleport the object when leaving one side of the screen so that it immediately reappears on the opposite side, maintaining speed and trajectory.

Behavior actions

Enable horizontal wrapping
Enable wrapping on the left and right borders.

Enable vertical wrapping
Enable wrapping on the top and bottom borders.

Set bottom border
Set bottom border (Y position).

Set left border
Set left border (X position).

Set right border
Set right border (X position).

Set top border
Set top border (Y position).

Set trigger offset
Set trigger offset (pixels).

Behavior conditions

Is horizontal wrapping
Check if the object is wrapping on the left and right borders.

Is vertical wrapping
Check if the object is wrapping on the top and bottom borders.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ScreenWrap::BorderBottom() Bottom border (Y position).
Object.ScreenWrap::BorderLeft() Left border (X position).
Object.ScreenWrap::BorderRight() Right border (X position).
Object.ScreenWrap::BorderTop() Top border (Y position).
Object.ScreenWrap::TriggerOffset() Number of pixels past the center where the object teleports and appears.

Screen Wrap (physics objects)

Teleport the object when leaving one side of the screen so that it immediately reappears on the opposite side, maintaining speed and trajectory.

Behavior actions

Apply saved velocity values
Apply saved velocity values.

Enable horizontal wrapping
Enable wrapping on the left and right borders.

Enable vertical wrapping
Enable wrapping on the top and bottom borders.

Save current velocity values
Save current velocity values.

Set bottom border
Set bottom border (Y position).

Set left border
Set left border (X position).

Set right border
Set right border (X position).

Set top border
Set top border (Y position).

Set trigger offset
Set trigger offset (pixels).

Behavior conditions

Is horizontal wrapping
Check if the object is wrapping on the left and right borders.

Is vertical wrapping
Check if the object is wrapping on the top and bottom borders.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.ScreenWrapPhysics::BorderBottom() Bottom border (Y position).
Object.ScreenWrapPhysics::BorderLeft() Left border (X position).
Object.ScreenWrapPhysics::BorderRight() Right border (X position).
Object.ScreenWrapPhysics::BorderTop() Top border (Y position).
Object.ScreenWrapPhysics::TriggerOffset() Number of pixels past the center where the object teleports and appears.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Screen Wrap extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.