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With Three JS

Create a simple 3D scene.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: PANDAKO.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

Extension for GDevelop to create simple 3D scenes.
This extension is intended for easy and simple 3D rendering. It does not currently aim for realistic rendering with light and shadow.

⚠️ Precautions for use

This extension is experimental. Destructive changes may be made.

📖 How to use

Check out this page.
WithThreeJs Extension for GDevelop

🍩 Donation

Currently, I'm doing development in between jobs, but if many people support me, I will be able to devote more time to the development.
If you enjoy this extension, please consider downloading the Example project file to maintain this extension. (The Example project file will surely help you.😉)


Copyright 2010-2022 Three.js Authors



Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


Add Child
Add 3D Object as child to 3D object.

3D Camera Look At 3D Object
3D Camera Look At 3D Object

Change 3D Camera FOV
Change the Field Of View of the 3D Camera.

Change 3D Camera Far
Change the far property of 3D Camera.
The 3D Camera will not render 3D Objects farther than this distance.

Change 3D Camera Near
Change the near property of the 3D Camera.
The 3D Camera will not render 3D Objects closer than this distance.

Change 3D Camera Zoom
Change 3D Camera Zoom

Change 3D Texture
Change the 3D Texture of a 3D Object.

Change 3D Object DepthWrite (experimental)
Change the DepthWrite of a 3D Object.
Whether rendering this 3D Object has any effect on the depth buffer. If transparent 3D Objects overlap and render incorrectly, you may be able to obtain ideal rendering results by setting the DepthWrite of that 3D Object to No. Default is Yes.

Change Master Volume Of 3D Scene
Change Master Volume Of 3D Scene

Change 3D Object Opacity
Change the Opacity of a 3D Object.
The same value is set for multiple textures.

Change 3D Object Scale
Change the Scale of a 3D Object.
Note that 3D Sprite and 3D Model were scaled when created.

Change 3D Object Visibility
Change the visibility of a 3D Object.

Clear 3D Scene
Clear 3D Scene. Removes all 3D Objects in the 3D Scene.
As a result, this action also removes 2D Objects that have 3D Projection Behaviors. This action does not clear the loaded 3D Texture data and the loaded 3D Model data. They will continue to be accessible by ID.

Correct 3D Camera Rotation Within Limits (experimental)
Correct the 3D Camera Rotation within limits.
Unlimited with Min = -180 and Max = 180. Rotation is corrected like head movement. Limiting multiple axes can break things.

Correct 3D Object Rotation Within Limits (experimental)
Correct the 3D Object Rotation within limits.
Unlimited with Min = -180 and Max = 180. Limiting multiple axes can break things.

Create 3D Axes Helper
Create 3D Axes Helper

Create 3D Box
Create 3D Box

Create 3D Model
Create 3D Model

Create 3D Plane
Create 3D Plane

Create 3D Scene
Create a 3D scene and place the 3D Camera at position X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0.

Create 3D Sprite
Create 3D Sprite

Detach From Parent
Detach a 3D Object from its parent.
(Set Parent to Scene)

Load 3D Model From OBJ
Load 3D Model From OBJ

Load 3D Texture
Load image from GDevelop resources and create 3D Texture.
Note that this is an asynchronous process.

Load 3D Texture V2
Load image from GDevelop resources and create 3D Texture.

Look At 3D Camera
Look At 3D Camera

Look At 3D Object
Look At 3D Object

Move 3D Camera
Move a 3D Camera.
'=' is relative to the parent axis. "+" and "-" are relative to the local axis.

Move 3D Object
Move a 3D Object.
'=' is relative to the parent axis. "+" and "-" are relative to the local axis.

Move 3D Object On World
Move a 3D Object on the world axis.
"=", "+" and "-" are relative to the world axis.

Output All IDs To Console
Output All IDs To Console

Output 3D Model Information To Console
Output 3D Model Information To Console

Play 3D Sound
Play a 3D Positional Sound.

Do a Raycast.
You can get the count of 3D Objects in the result with the "Raycast Result Count" expression. The result can be accessed via the "Raycast Result Number" expression or the "Raycast Result String" string expression.

Raycast From 3D Camera
Do a Raycast from the 3D Camera.
You can get the count of 3D Objects in the result with the "Raycast Result Count" expression. The result can be accessed via the "Raycast Result Number" expression or the "Raycast Result String" string expression.

Remove 3D Object
Remove a 3D Object from the 3D Scene.
This action cannot remove 3D Objects created by 3D Projection Behaviors. This action does not clear the loaded 3D Texture data and the loaded 3D Model data. They will continue to be accessible by ID.

Resolve Bounding Box Collision
Resolve collisions between Bounding Boxes.
It is not necessary to use the "Check Bounding Box Collision" condition beforehand. (It will do almost the same processing) Note that the 3D Objects are still in contact after resolution. ("Check Bounding Box Collision" condition will not be false.) 3D Object thickness too thin for the amount of movement will not resolve correctly. This action updates the "Bounding Box Collision Result".

Rotate 3D Camera
Rotate 3D Camera

Rotate 3D Camera Like Head
Rotate 3D Camera Like Head

Rotate 3D Camera On World
Rotate 3D Camera On World

Rotate 3D Object
Rotate 3D Object

Rotate 3D Object On World
Rotate 3D Object On World

Set 3D Object ID Of Children To Scene Variable
Set 3D Object ID of all children to scene variable as array.

Stop 3D Sound
Stop a 3D Positional Sound.

Update Bounding Box Helper
Create or update Helper to graphically display Bounding Box.


Check 3D Sound Is Playing
Check if 3D Sound is playing.

Check Bounding Box Collision
Checks for collisions between the Bounding Boxes of two 3D Objects.
This condition updates the "Bounding Box Collision Result" when it returns True.

Check Existence Of 3D Object
Check Existence Of 3D Object

Check Visibility Of 3D Object
Check the visibility of a 3D Object.
This condition cannot be tested correctly if the visibility of the 3D object is changed by inheritance.


Expression Description
WithThreeJS::BoundingBoxCollisionResultNumber(string) Bounding Box Collision Result Number
string Item
WithThreeJS::CameraAngle(string) 3D Camera Angle for GDevelop.Returns the angle of an individual axis.Note that combining the resulting XYZ values may not reproduce the original rotation.
string Axis
WithThreeJS::CameraDirection(string) Normalized direction vector of 3D camera.(3D Camera is shooting in the negative Z axis direction)
string Axis
WithThreeJS::CameraFOV() 3D Camera FOV
WithThreeJS::CameraFar() 3D Camera Far
WithThreeJS::CameraNear() The camera will not render objects closer than this distance.
WithThreeJS::CameraPosition(string) 3D Camera Position
string Axis
WithThreeJS::CameraRotation(string) 3D Camera Rotation
string Axis
WithThreeJS::CameraZoom() 3D Camera Zoom
WithThreeJS::DistanceFrom3DCameraTo3DObject(identifier) Distance From 3D Camera To 3D Object
identifier To 3D Object ID
WithThreeJS::DistanceFrom3DObjectTo3DObject(identifier, identifier) Distance From 3D Object To 3D Object
identifier From 3D Object ID
identifier To 3D Object ID
WithThreeJS::MasterVolumeOf3DScene() Master Volume Of 3D Scene
WithThreeJS::ObjectDirection(identifier, string) Normalized direction vector of 3D Object.(Z axis direction)
identifier 3D Object ID
string Axis
WithThreeJS::ObjectOpacity(identifier) 3D Object Opacity
identifier 3D Object ID
WithThreeJS::ObjectParent(identifier) 3D Object Parent
identifier 3D Object ID
WithThreeJS::ObjectPosition(identifier, string) 3D Object Position
identifier 3D Object ID
string Axis
WithThreeJS::ObjectPositionOnWorld(identifier, string) 3D Object Position On World
identifier 3D Object ID
string Axis
WithThreeJS::ObjectRotation(identifier, string) 3D Object Rotation
identifier 3D Object ID
string Axis
WithThreeJS::ObjectRotationOnWorld(identifier, string) 3D Object Rotation On World
identifier 3D Object ID
string Axis
WithThreeJS::ObjectScale(identifier, string) 3D Object Scale
identifier 3D Object ID
string Axis
WithThreeJS::RaycastResultCount() Count of 3D Objects in Raycast Result
WithThreeJS::RaycastResultNumber(number, string) Raycast Result Number
number Index (0 or more)
string Item
WithThreeJS::RaycastResultString(number, string) Raycast Result String
number Index (0 or more)
string Item

3D Box (experimental)

This 3D Box can have different textures on 6 faces. ⚠️ This object is high load.

Object actions

Flip the object horizontally
Flip the object horizontally

Flip the object vertically
Flip the object vertically

Change the height of an object.

Modify the scale of the specified object.

Change the opacity of an object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).

Scale on X axis
Change the width's scale of an object.

Scale on Y axis
Change the height's scale of an object.

Change the width of an object.

Object conditions

Horizontally flipped
Check if the object is horizontally flipped

Vertically flipped
Check if the object is vertically flipped

Compare the opacity of an object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).

Scale on X axis
Compare the width's scale of an object.

Scale on Y axis
Compare the height's scale of an object.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.Depth() Depth
Object.Id() 3D Object ID
Object.Opacity() Return the opacity of an object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).
Object.ProjectionScale() Projection Scale
Object.ScaleX() Return the width's scale of an object.
Object.ScaleY() Return the height's scale of an object.

3D Board Projection

Create 3D Board (Plane) from Sprite object. Moving that Sprite will also move the 3D Object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.BoardProjection::AlphaTest() Alpha Channel Test
Object.BoardProjection::AngleAxis() Axis linked to 2D Object Angle
Object.BoardProjection::Id() 3D Object ID
Object.BoardProjection::Orientation() Orientation
Object.BoardProjection::ProjectionScale() Projection Scale
Object.BoardProjection::ViewMode() ViewMode

3D Box Projection from Tiled Sprite

Create 3D Box from Tiled Sprite object. Moving that Tiled Sprite will also move the 3D Object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.BoxProjectionFromTiled::AlphaTest() Alpha Channel Test
Object.BoxProjectionFromTiled::Blend() Blend Mode
Object.BoxProjectionFromTiled::Depth() Depth
Object.BoxProjectionFromTiled::Id() 3D Object ID
Object.BoxProjectionFromTiled::ProjectionScale() Projection Scale
Object.BoxProjectionFromTiled::ViewMode() ViewMode

Linked 3D Camera

Link a Sprite object and a 3D Camera.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.LinkedCamera::ProjectionScale() Projection Scale
Object.LinkedCamera::ViewMode() ViewMode

3D Plane Projection from Tiled Sprite

Create 3D Plane from Tiled Sprite object. Moving that Tiled Sprite will also move the 3D Object.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.PlaneProjectionFromTiled::AlphaTest() Alpha Channel Test
Object.PlaneProjectionFromTiled::Blend() Blend Mode
Object.PlaneProjectionFromTiled::Id() 3D Object ID
Object.PlaneProjectionFromTiled::ProjectionScale() Projection Scale
Object.PlaneProjectionFromTiled::ViewMode() ViewMode

3D Sprite Projection

Create 3D Sprite from Sprite object. Moving that Sprite will also move the 3D Sprite.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.SpriteProjection::AlphaTest() Alpha Channel Test
Object.SpriteProjection::Id() 3D Object ID
Object.SpriteProjection::ProjectionScale() Projection Scale
Object.SpriteProjection::ViewMode() ViewMode

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the With Three JS extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.